Far Away

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Only yesterday we walked the streets hand in hand,
Now, you are so far away.

From dusk to dawn, not a moment goes by
When the memories of our time together doesn't moisten my eyes,
Over a cup of tea, a soulful song,
Or when the winds flirts with my hair as I walk along.

Do you miss me too, like I do?

How mush more shall I endure
Before I can be assured,
That soon shall the time come
When you will hold me tight,
And my face will be gleaming bright.

Hearing your voice makes my heart ache,
I tremble with goosebumps
Longing to feel you my loved one. 

I don't know how to you these words may seem,
But words are all I have
And all I can give
From so far away....

Signing off,


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